What is Cheap Auto Insurance?

Auto-Owners provides minimum coverage at just $27 a month; however, this company may not be available everywhere. Other reasonable options include GEICO and USAA.

Drivers can lower their rates by maintaining a clean driving record, bundling coverage and taking advantage of discounts. Bare-bones policies might also help if their older car doesn’t hold much value.

Young Drivers

Finding affordable car insurance as a young driver can be difficult, since insurers tend to view drivers in their 20s as high-risk groups due to a lack of driving experience and more likely-than-not accidents.

Young drivers can take steps to secure affordable coverage. First, they can shop around and compare rates. Second, they may qualify for discounts that reward good students, loyalty, or maintaining an accident-free driving history.

Per-mile insurance allows them to pay car insurance based on how far they drive each day. Finally, parents could consider giving their teen drivers older cars equipped with key safety features in order to reduce rates.

Older Drivers

Older drivers generally pay lower insurance premiums than younger ones on average, although rates can still increase as drivers reach their 60s. Drivers in this age group should compare quotes from multiple providers to find an economical rate.

Additionally, drivers should enroll in a defensive driving course or equip their vehicles with safety features to increase road safety. Bundling their auto and home policies could potentially save them on premiums.

Seniors who spend less time driving may also wish to consider usage-based discounts, such as one offered for keeping the odometer below a set limit.

Good Drivers

When searching for affordable auto insurance, it’s important to remember that “cheap” doesn’t necessarily translate to “low quality.” At GEICO, our aim is to offer affordable policies without compromising customer service or coverage.

Maintain a clean driving record, bundle your policy together and take advantage of discounts such as good student, safe driver and loyalty discounts to reduce rates. Also consider switching to an economically priced car or signing up for usage-based insurance plans which charge drivers by mile driven.

Finding affordable car insurance requires shopping around and comparing quotes frequently, especially at renewal time. Many providers provide quality yet cost-effective policies.


Many insurance providers provide discounts that can help you obtain cheaper car insurance policies. These discounts often take the form of rate reductions for good driving records, safety features such as anti-theft devices or low mileage.

Drivers can save money by dropping comprehensive and collision coverage on older vehicles that don’t warrant repairs, though experts caution against making this move without first carefully considering your car’s actual cash value.

The top cheap auto insurance providers offer competitive rates, 24/7 customer service and top-of-the-line coverages. Compare quotes and discounts to find a company that meets your individual needs; click any provider names below for full reviews and comparisons.

Pay-Per-Mile Coverage

Pay-per-mile car insurance provides drivers with cost savings by only paying for miles driven. Pay-per-mile insurers use devices or apps in cars or on smartphones to track driving behavior and mileage, offering drivers savings.

People working from home, retirees and college students who only drive on weekends could particularly benefit from pay-per-mile coverage; however, those driving more than 10,000 miles annually should look into other alternatives to save on car insurance premiums.

Allstate, Metromile and Mile Auto all provide this coverage option; larger companies such as Nationwide and USAA also sell it.

Insurance Companies

To obtain inexpensive auto insurance, the key is shopping around and taking advantage of discounts. Maintaining a clean driving record should lower your rate; adding safety features to your car may further help bring down its price tag. Another method would be taking out only minimum coverage; although older vehicles with reduced replacement value should consider carefully before forgoing comprehensive and collision coverage altogether.

Overall, Geico offers the lowest costs among insurers that provide minimum coverage (which includes bodily injury and property damage liability), while NYCM provides competitive prices when offering full coverage policies. When renewing, it’s wise to compare quotes again to ensure you’re still getting the best price.

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